How can I use College Readiness Courseware?

College Readiness Courseware

College Readiness Courseware gives you an opportunity to evaluate your skills in Reading, Writing, English, and Mathematics. It is ideal in preparing to take an entry or placement exam for admission to a post-secondary institution.

  • Complete a pretest to determine your level of understanding in each of the topical areas; work through the courseware at your own pace.  Complete the post test at the end of every module to measure your level of comprehension.  eBadges will mark your progress.
  • The courseware is online and available whenever and where ever you need it.
  • Two Certificates of Completion are awarded upon passing all five College Readiness posttests.  Certificates indicate mastery or completion of instructional content.  These certificates, College Ready English Language Arts Certificate and College Ready Math Certificate, can be downloaded and printed, saved and emailed.   

English Language Arts Certificate

After you have taken your assessments in English, Reading, and Writing, you will earn a College Readiness Certificate showing successful mastery and passing of the readiness exams in this content area. 

Mathematics Certificate

After you have taken your assessment for Mathematics, you will earn a College Readiness Certificate showing successful mastery and passing of the readiness exams in this content area. 

Promote and Share Your Certificate

One way to enhance your opportunity to get ahead in your career or college path is to promote yourself and the skills you possess. Consider adding information in your resume that you have earned your College Readiness certificates. The certificates highlight the key components in career planning that you have completed to further your college planning. 

Additionally, think about creating a LinkedIn profile and add your certificate information and level earned to your online presence. Update your portfolio and social media applications to include your certificate information. Employers and colleges look at your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram footprint, let them see the best side of you!